Monday, July 25, 2011

Stan Meckler and Barry Pruett Right on Target

I commented on Barry Pruett's "Nevada County Cover-up - Stan Meckler" post but Barry has declined to post the my comment so I will attempt to recreate it here. I guess I will need to keep copies of all comments I make at least until they are posted by the administrators.

What I had indicated was that Barry's suspicions about the actual costs were, as I had described, "right on target". In a nut shell what I suspect is that this liability policy that the County shares with other Counties may not be your "standard" insurance policy. Instead, because it is some kind of cooperation between Counties to pool funds, I am thinking it may also be designed to help cover up costs when the elected officials screw up. How this would work is that any particular County's premium could be derived from the effect the claims of that County has on the pool. This would result in the actual cost of this scandal being over $1 or $2 mil perhaps spread over a few years. A type of legal money laundering designed to keep you fat and happy. My next plan is to go in and try to get a copy of this document. Now as I said in my previous post, you cannot FOIA records from closed session but this document you certainly could FOIA if they refuse to pony it up. You may even be able to get a copy form one of the other Counties much easier. I won't be able to attend to this until next week. Ted?

The bottom line here is, Stan and Barry are correct. This is a cover-up. They think they are safe because of the Brown Act and closed session. I say recall the whole lot and then I bet they will start singing.

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